Wednesday, 7 October 2009

repstrap moving about

It's alive!

I am going to finish that Y axis motor bracket :)
The spanner is because the X carridge design relies on some off centre weight, which is normally my extruder that is currently broken.

Awesome picture of the night sky

You may have seen this story on slashdot but been a little annoyed when you couldn't just download a nice big image and instead had to look at it in some stupid flash or js viewer.

I'm not going to upload any images but I might just leave this here.

Making real use of Python in gedit

If you are a fan of gedit, and a fan of Python like me then the chances are that you have tried out the gedit Python console plugin at some point. Years ago I tried it out but realised it was really aimed at plugin developers and not at people wanting a quick and easy way to manipulate data in the text editor.

Last week I wrote a simple gedit plugin and so learned about the API and how to manipulate text in the editor. Even once I had learned about the API it still seemed far to complex to be usefull for quick data manipulation of an open file, so I decided to make a simple script that made things simpler, and makes the gedit Python console do what I wanted all along.

Get It

Save this script as ~/.gnome2/gedit/plugins/
Now open up the Python console in gedit and type import doc

Use It

import doc
d = doc.Doc(window)
d.set_lines( ['one', 'two', 'three'] )
lines = d.get_lines()

Now you can use regular expressions on you're open documents :)


__init__(self, window)
Create Doc instance
append(self, text)
Add text to the bottom of the document
Clear the document
Return the contents of the line that the cursor is currently on
Return a list containing all of the lines in the document
Return the selected text
Return the full text of the document
set_lines(self, lines)
Replace the current document with the lines in the supplied list
set_text(self, text)
Set the full text of the document